International Journal of Electronics and Computer Applications

Volume: 1 Issue: 2

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

LV Battery Charging and Fault Detection

Munmun Kakkar1∗, Parthiv Vinoy2, Shridhar Deshpande2, Sudhanshu Tarfe2

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering, Management and Research, Pune, 411044, Maharashtra, India.
2 Student, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering, Management and Research, Pune, 411044, Maharashtra, India.

*Corresponding author email: [email protected]

Year: 2024, Page: 32-35, Doi:

Received: Aug. 11, 2024 Accepted: Nov. 22, 2024 Published: Dec. 12, 2024


Low-voltage (LV) battery systems are integral components in a variety of applications such as portable electronics, automotive electronics, renewable energy, and non-interruptible electronics. Effective charging and early detection of dead batteries are crucial to improve its performance, safety, and lifespan. This research addresses the challenges associated with LV battery charging and fault detection. The study investigates fault detection and diagnosis methods to identify issues such as cell degradation, thermal runaway, overcharging, and short circuits. These fault detection mechanisms employ various sensing technologies, including voltage and current monitoring, temperature sensing, impedance spectroscopy, and machine learning-based approaches. The integration of these charging and fault detection technologies enhances the reliability, safety, and overall performance of LV battery systems. This research contributes to the development of sustainable and resilient energy solutions, benefiting a variety of businesses and applications. It paves a way for efficient & intelligent LV battery management systems, ensuring the continued growth and adoption of battery-powered devices and electric vehicles in the modern world.

Keywords: LV Battery Charging and Fault Detection


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Cite this article

Kakkar M, Vinoy P, Deshpande S, Tarfe S. (2024). LV Battery Charging and Fault Detection. International Journal of Electronics and Computer Applications. 1(2): 32-35.
